Known from

Someone told us you're ready to become a hero!

Get your personalised free consultation. You will get 150€ once your system is ready to be installed.


We take care of the entire installation from start to finish.

Our process

Haz clic en los pasos para más información



1 day

PV study

We design and present a system that fits your needs, either virtually or in person.

Método de pago


1 day

Agreement signing

Once your doubts are resolved, we proceed to sign the agreement without any payment, formalizing the project.

Visita presencial


1 day

Pre-installation visit

Our installation team will inspect your roof and finalize the details. A 10% payment is required to proceed.



2 days

Installation Day

The installation takes up to 2 days, and we take care of everything. Afterward, you start producing your own energy! Upon completion, the remaining payment is required.



4 - 8 weeks

System Legalization

We handle the legalization process with the Ministry of Industry on your behalf and inform you once it's approved. Sell the excess energy to your energy supplier!

Receive 150€ as a gift
Once your system is ready to be installed.


Most asked questions

Become an Ambassador

You can also become a Sunhero Ambassador. 

If you do not have your unique Ambassador's link yet, request it at our →Ambassador's page and start helping others bring solar energy to their homes!

Why the referral program?

What is the referral program?

Can I become an Ambassador and refer to my friends and family?

We have created this program to bring solar energy to more homes.

With the referral program, our existing customers, the Ambassadors, can recommend Sunhero to their family and friends like you. Just for that you will receive a gift of 150€.

Of course! We will provide you with your unique Ambassador’s link and you can share it with your family and friends. When they use it to request a consultation we will know they were referred by you.

Will 150€ gift be applied as a discount to the final price of the installation?

No, the 150€ referral plan is a gift for coming as a referral from one of our Ambassadors. This amount does not apply as a discount to the value of the installation.

When will I receive the referral welcome gift?

Once your system is ready to be installed.

Transform your home with solar energy

How will my referral gift be paid?

We will request your bank details and we will make you a transfer.

Generate your own energy with solar PV and become independent from traditional utility providers
Power your house
Reduce your monthly bill payments and protect your family from rising electricity prices
Save money
Bring down your CO2 emissions and help build a better future for the planet and the people

Take care of the Planet


2 people household
13 panels  -  5.6 kWp



In one word 'Excellent' from start to finish! Their team have a high standard of knowledge in the industry. Furthermore they dealt with all legalisation and subsidies.

I have a quality installation at a good price! I have no hesitation in recommending them.


5 people household
10 panels, battery and backup box  - 4.5 kWp


My experience with Sunhero has been very positive. Everything went according to plan. They have supported me in everything necessary for the application for grants



2 people household
8 panels  -  3.68 kWp



Everything was perfect, Sunhero helped me select the right installation for my home. The execution was fast and according to plan. Once the installation was up and running, I would highlight the excellent technical support I received.

Ambassador's reviews

We have helped customers all across Spain to bring solar energy to their homes

Terms & Conditions

We provide service throughout Spain, with specialized teams by region and highly trained installers to ensure success and maximum quality in all our installations. 

In addition to the Iberian Peninsula, we also reach the Balearic and Canary Islands. 

Powering homes in every corner of Spain

At Sunhero our goal is to make solar energy accessible and affordable to as many people as possible.

Payment plans

Own your PV system and minimise your electricity bill

from  4.700 €


Payback time of only a few years

Up to 25 year product warranty

Subsidies and tax incentives 

Maintenance plans available

First payment after 2 months

Repayment up to 12 years

Up to 25 year product warranty

Maintenance plans available

Subsidies and tax incentives


from  35 €/month

Pay no upfront cost - only a fixed monthly fee

We only use the leading brands of photovoltaic materials

Why Sunhero

Save in your electricity bill

Install solar panels and reduce your electricity bill by up to 70%

On your roof in 30 days

Nobody installs faster than us. Get your panels on your roof in 30 days from contract signature.

Sunhero point of contact

We will provide you a personal point of contact at Sunhero so you can always reach us.



PV Study

1 día

Estudio FV

Diseñamos y presentamos un sistema que se ajusta a tus necesidades, ya sea virtualmente o en persona.

Agreement Signing


1 día

Firma del acuerdo

Una vez resueltas tus dudas, procedemos a la firma del acuerdo sin ningún pago, formalizando el proyecto.

Pre-installation Visit


1 día

Visita de preinstalación

Nuestro equipo de instaladores inspeccionará tu tejado y finalizará los detalles. Se requiere el 10% de pago para continuar.

Installation Day


2 días

Día de la instalación

La instalación toma hasta 2 días y nos encargamos de todo,  ¡Después, empiezas a producir tu propia energía! Al finalizar, se requiere el pago restante.

System Legalization


4 - 8 semanas

Legalización del sistema

Gestionamos la legalización ante el Ministerio de Industria por ti y te informamos una vez aprobada. ¡Vende el excedente de energía a tu comercializadora!

Recibe 150€ de regalo
Una vez tu sistema esté listo para ser instalado.


Powering the planet. One roof at a time


Barcelona Headquarters

C/ Pere IV, 128
08005, Barcelona

Madrid Headquarters

C/ de las Huertas, 11
28012, Madrid

© 2021 Sunhero Spain, S.L.U. All rights reserved


Mo - Fri from 9:00 to 18:00
(peninsular hour)